Was standing in line at NTUC yesterday and I cringed at the sight of the way the cashiers wasted plastic bags by packing so little in each bag. I mean does one need to pack newspapers in a separate bag on its own? Shoppers were leaving with 5 and more bags, each bag probably carrying up to only 3 items.
I have to admit, I do not religiously carry my own bag to supermarkets. Yes, I take plastic bags from supermarkets but I always make sure I take as little as I can. And I make sure they are be re-used. I use mine to line the inside of the trash bin and I only throw the bag away when it's content is full.
When it came to my turn at the cashier, she packed 2 items into 1 bag and proceeded to grab another bag.
Me: It's alright you can pack all of them in that bag
Cashier: Cannot. My boss will scold me.
I've heard this so many times. It's as if the cashier's appraisal is based on the number of bags she gives out.
Cashier: Cannot pack so many things in 1 bag.
Me: No it's alright. They are all very light.
She proceeded to pack everything into the same bag. Then she put that bag into another bag.
Me: What? I don't need that bag.
Cashier: It's ok. It's free.
I was speechless. I returned her the extra bag and left.
I'm sure most shoppers are aware of the consequence of wasting plastic bags but most just don't wish to get into an exchange with cashiers over the bags. It's hard to ask for less bags at NTUC but I'm still going to keep doing it because it's the right thing to do. I hope you do the same.