I just got a sms from Andy informing me that they've baked banana muffins for Dodi - my miniature schnauzer.
Dodi's friendship with Andy and Yuling started when they visited me to enquire about my wedding photography services. They both fell in love with Dodi (right) and Casey (left) - my sheltie who has passed on - the moment they saw them. They were particularly interested in Casey.

Months later, after their very beautiful wedding held at Asian Civilisation Museum, I handed them their pre-wedding and actual day albums. Somehow I knew that it will not be the last I'll hear from them.

Some more months later, I got the sms from them telling me that they've just gotten a cute sheltie of their own - Latte (left). Since then we've been trading parenting tips. They taught me how to feed Dodi healthy food. Then they started baking dog treats for him. They have been spoiling Dodi rotten with their supply of different dog treats. The treats taste so good that Dodi has started to refuse to eat his own food.
The treats are made with the healthiest ingredients. Some of them even come in the shape of little schnauzers! I've been urging them to turn this into a business. I've promised to be a regular customer.
Photo of cute Latte courtesy of Andy and Yuling